Sunday, January 2, 2011

Things I Like.

Today my sister Em told me that I needed to write on my blog more. So here I am, writing on my blog. I wasn't quite sure what to post, but then I decided, why not give my readers something that will help them get to know me better.
so for the month of January I am going to try to write 7 post of things that I like.

These are some of the things I have first thought of-

Cars- particularly Super cars. Yes the gas guzzling, seemingly pointless ( to some people) super cars.

Football, Fussball, Futbol- How ever you want to say it ( as long as you don't call it soccer). It's a sport that quite literally unites the world, and what's so great about it you ask? well wait for my second post and I will give you a few reasons why I am excited just thinking about it!

Family- my family, who we are, what's so awesome about us (besides the obvious stuff :P). also what it's been like to grow up with 5 sisters, cause to tell you the truth, to a lot of people, we're kinda considered freaks, and I like it like that :)

New York City- Mainly the Bronx, but also the rest of the city, and the people from there. Possibly the greatest city ever. sorry DC, you'll always be my hometown.

Social work/ Justice work- It's what I want to be doing for the rest of my life, so I probably will have a good bit to say about it.

My faith- Why I don't just call myself a Christian on Facebook. What faith really is to me. It isn't just a lable I put on myself when asked what religion I believe in. It's a relationship, not just a religion.

My Puppy Eve- Yes you can call me a crazy dog lady for dedicating a whole post to my Pup, but seriously if you ever met her, you would understand why, she is the CUTEST THING EVER!!!

and Last but definitely not least...

RAP- what it is, what it can be, and what to me it most definitely is NOT. Everything from good hooks to the hip-hop culture and era itself.

Tomorrow I will post my first real blog of the year- SUPER CARS!

And yes I realize that there are 8 things on that list.

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